You will find 10 blocks of sand at the back of your ship.Do not remove them as they are needed to collect oxygen. You will find leaves next to your oxygen collector and compressor in your ship's basement.You can insert a star into a star container by rightclicking, and remove it by shift rightclicking without any items in your hand. A star is your very first power source and needed to charge your oxygen compressors, which fill your oxygen tanks with oxygen. After completing your very first quest, you will obtain a star.Click on it and you will be redirected to secondary armor slots as well as slots for your oxygen gear. You will find a little icon displaying an oxygen mask. Put on your oxygen gear by opening your inventory.Zombie Converter : Soul Vial + 32 Rotten Flesh for a Zombie Soul Vial ( a way to put your flesh to some use / if you are unlucky with getting zombie spawn eggs can not confirm if it's possile to get zombie villagers through this).2 Ender Pearls + 32 Iron Ingots for 8 Energy Conduits (don't, save you pearls).10 Obsidian for 1 Gravel ( only do this quest if you absolutely must ).4 Nasa schematics for a diamond block ( a way to obtain schematics if you do not want to to search dungeons on the moon, where you can find them as well ).1 Silkworm for 30 saplings ( only do this quest if you absolutely must).2 Emeralds for 2 Diamonds ( one of the best and easiest ways to obtain emeralds since getting diamonds is a lot easier ).
#Minechem polytool tutorial upgrade

Decompose oak logs as soon as you can to obtain cellulose.RR- Pick) on the most bottom log of a tree you will destroy the entire tree. If you use an axe or any other appriopriate tool ( i.e./ekit beginner - oxygen gear, 2 oxygen tanks, 1 can of food.