The panel tool should also allow for this. However, in some cases, artists may need to have a character or object cut off panel borders in order to make something specific pop out or create a more dramatic look. Another useful feature is that users can choose to draw only inside the panel and any lines that fall outside the panel get cut off, which helps a lot with cleanup. There's also an option to modify the kerning in order to adjust the space between the panels, and this allows for panels from the same page to be spaced out differently from each other. Also, it's possible to transform a panel to create a unique shape. This tool allows users to split up larger frames into two or more separate panels. When it comes to speech bubbles, I have seen the most variation in manga.Ģ) A tool for creating panels and dividing them into different shapes I like how programs such as Clip Studio and Medibang Paint have a panel slicing tool. Speech bubbles maintain text inside the bubble and ensure that it is automatically centered. Speech bubbles can sometimes be connected to other speech bubbles to split up what's being said into parts, which makes things easier to read. Speech bubbles are sometimes filled with color or can be black on the inside. Speech balloons also have tails that can be short, long, straight, curved, and directed towards the character speaking. Speech balloons can come in different shapes and can have different types of strokes for borders.

Since there are so many people who make their own comics or are interested in doing so, I feel that every digital painting program should have some basic features for comic creation.ġ) A tool for creating speech bubbles This tool should have options to create different kinds of speech bubbles to allow for maximum creativity. I know that Paintstorm Studio isn't a program dedicated to comic creation but I feel that there are very few tools that it needs to accommodate artists who want to create their own comics / graphic novels / manga. I wish I could use it all of the time but what holds me back is that a lot of my artistic workflow has to do with creating comics. I really enjoy using Paintstorm Studio! I think it's a very cool program and I love that it has so many unique features!